Thursday, January 5, 2012

Weird Al Yankovic - Jerry Springer (Assingment #7)

It's been, one week since we got to see,
Cheatin' lovers and cousins that marry
5 days since they had the show with the hermaphrodit
the ****, and the crackhoe
3 days since we heard the tale about the guy who learned
his woman was a she-male.
Yesterday, it occured to me, that I'd been watching a bit too much Jerry Springer

Holy cow, didya see it last week?
Well they had this one freak,
Who suckered punched his whole family
Do you recall when the brawl became a total 'free-for-all'
and jerry's in the middle trying to be the referee?
Hey, see the stripper with the implants?
She likes to lap-dance, and date the boyfriend of her mother
Now here comes Jerry's next guest, and it's a slug fest cuz
it's her trailer trash brother

Nymphomaniac is back on crack it's like when animals attack
they all exhibit reprehensible behaviour
hit em in the nose tear off their clothes step on their toes thats how it goes
they get so violent they have to sign a waiver.
They're always swearin' cursin' kickin' butt and pointin' blame
on the air they dont care they got no shame.
There was one guy I'm sure he felt a little strange, when he found
out that his wife had a sex change
They have a tendency to scream and yell constantly,
They have a history of ripping off their shirts...

It's been one week since they had the fight,
with the Siamese twins and the transvestite
5 days since that awful brawl,
They still haven't got the blood off the wall
Yesterday, it finally dawned on me, that I'd been watching
a bit too much Jerry Springer

[Spoken]Baby, I've been sleeping with your sister.
Ugh! Which one?
All of 'em!
Well I've been sleeping with you're best friend, Jay!
Yeah? Well, well...
Me too and I've been sleeping with your dog, Woofie
Woofie, you *****! Well I'm also sleepin' with your pet goat!
That goat doesn't love you!

Once you start watching, there's just no stopping
Your brain shuts down, and your IQ's dropping.
Jerry's the king of confrontation, he's a sensation, he puts the sin
in sindication
He's totally worthless like a bad check, he's a train wreck,
Don't want to stare, but you can't look away.
Like Sally Jesse, he does talk shows, but with more weirdos,
The rating's jumping higher every day

If you've seen the show, then you know it's about as low
as you can go,
The guests are tacky, and they're lacking in their hygiene
Then pretty soon, some ugly goon comes in the room, and then
it's boom in the face of some unsuspecting drag queen
Well it's the kind of show where people scream obscenities,
yanking hair, throwing chairs at their hubbies.
Jerry, Jerry, now the crowd starts their favourite chant
Should I turn off my TV?
I just can't
I have a tendency to watch it religiously, I have a history
of taping each one

It's been one week since the show about,
Psycho killers with problems they should work out
5 days since the big surprise, when some loser's wife said
that shes still datin' 20 guys,
3 days since the interview, a bunch of psychic pornstar midgets
who were all nude,
Yesterday it occured to me, that I've been watching
a bit too much jerry Springer

Tired of wasting my time on that Jerry Springer,
I've got way too much class to watch Jerry Springer

        The most corrupt show still produced on todays telivision network is run by the man who has been the Mayor of Cincinnati, won seven local Emmys, and has even had Pope John Paul II in his audience! Jerry Springer, the host of "The Jerry Springer Show" even has a parody song based on his unappropriate television show. The song "Jerry Springer" by Weird Al Yankovic emphasises the unacceptable conduct on the Jerry Springer Show that has been accepted in our society. The main poetic device expressed in this song is satire. The song satires society in the way that we have accepted obscure natured programming into our regular entertainment, and when the narrator questions if he should "turn off [his] TV," he explains, "he simply can't." This emphasizes how our modern day society are becoming reliant on obscene forms of entertainment, and how people have become addicted. The narrator explains how "[he has] a tendency to watch it religiously, [he has] a history of taping each one," even though the shows are about such disturbing and unorthodox cocepts such as incest, cheating and brawling. He even explains that the show is about as low as you can go, yet he still watches it! It is worrisome how our civilized idealogy finds these concepts viable for our television stations. The second poetic device expressed in this song is irony. The entire song the narrator over explains how repulsive and taboo the show is with such things as "Psycho killers with problems... [and] psychic pornstar midgets who were all nude." He also explains how he films all of the episodes, concluding he enjoys watching the show. However, the concluding sentence of the song provides the reasoning that "[he has] got way too much class to watch Jerry Springer," which is ironic how he has praised the show for being entertaining the entire time. Thinking back on what he has watched on the show was the only realise that he should stop watching the show, and it is very unclassy. Another poetic device in the song is simile. The narrator explains how watching Jerry Springer is "totally worthless like a bad check," because a bad check would refer to an expired or blank check, which is worth nothing, and he is refering to watching Jerry Springer is worth nothing, just a mere waste of time. Another simile is when he explains that a "nymphomaniac is back on crack it's like when animals attack," which he refers to a nymphomaniac on crack is as dangerous and reluctant to stop like an attack from a unsafe animal such as a bear, shark or pirahna. Another very obvious device incorporated in this song is personification. In the readers description of the show, he exclaims how "the rating's [jump] higher every day," yet in reality the ratings go up, they cannot "jump". Saying the ratings have jumped higher every day is just putting emphasis on the fact that the ratings shoot up every day because the show is becoming more popular. Figurative language is another technique Weird Al Yankovic uses in this song. When explaining how Jerry Springer "[is] a train wreck," he doesn't literally mean that he is a train wreck, but he uses the comparison to make him seem damaged. Another example of figurative language is when he makes the joke about a couple arguing and how one is "sleepin' with [their] pet goat," isn't meant to be taken literally, but made only to show how stupid the show really is. This final poetic device in the song is understatement. When the narrator explains about a guy who "felt a little strange, when he found out that his wife had a sex change," it is easy to say the the husband would feel more then a little strange if this happened and he was not told. Saying that he would feel a little strange is almost the complete opposite of what would happen, as he would feel very strange, and likely not be able to trust her ever again. Overall, the song "Jerry Springer" by Weird Al Yankovic is loaded with poetic devices.

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