Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dear Santa (Assignment #11)

December 24th, 2011

Justin Gabriel
911, 7th St

Santa Claus
North Pole
101, Christmas Ave

Dear Santa Claus,
        How has your year been? I've had a genuinely amazing year! I have been so well behaved, it may be surprising. I know in recent years I have been of devious and mischievous nature, yet with an open and generous heart, I have changed into the model citizen. My year has been spent volunteering, teaching basketball to the handicapped, becoming a mainstream rapper who will give all profits to charity, as well I have donated numerous amount of hours to the construction of a homeless shelter. Even though once this year I have made the naughty mistake of sharpening my pencil when the teacher was delivering a heartfelt lecture, the overall notion of my actions over the course of this year has been positive. In the new year I plan on keeping up my volunteering of instructing basketball, as well as teaching blind kids how to read braille. I hope you understand to what extent I have had a positive influence on everyone this year, and how much of a well rounded person I have become.
        This Christmas, I understand you may not provide everything on my list, but I appreciate all attempts to fulfill my requests. First of all, I would like world peace. If that in general is to hard to provide, I completely understand! I have devoted a large chunk of my life at attempting this, and it will be a very hard quest to conquer. However I would appreciate any help you can give. I would also like a new basketball, which would help me teach more handicapped children who are determined to succeed in the sport. Even though the basketball is not so much for me, you can consider it my request, so they can have a chance to receive more presents. Also I would like some supplies to support the building of the construction of a homeless shelter in my town. If you cannot, I would appreciate if you provided more hours in a day so I can work harder and longer at making more people happy. I greatly appreciate you reading this letter, and fully understand that not every wish can be met, but any attempt will be greatly appreciated! I sincerely hope you have a great year, and will succeed in all of your dreams.
Ball 4 lyfe, Justin Gabriel

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