Friday, September 30, 2011

Revenge (Assignment #3)

George was alone in the stable when Curley's wife appeared in the doorway. Their eyes locked and her intent was as clear as mud. “I don’t want to beat around the bush, but I want us to break new ground.” whispered Curley’s wife. It was broad daylight and you could hear the birds singing, as George protested “You’re as cold as ice, a bottomless pit. You should just go dig yourself into a hole!” In the blink of an eye Curley’s wife had leaped like a frog right into George’s face, eye to eye, and squealed “Every rose has its thorns. You ain’t perfect either, you’re dumber then a stump!”  A flood of tears poured out of George’s eyes and he was shaking from the ground up. “I was just going out on a limb to talk to you. But I see how it is. Maybe the grass is greener on the other side.”  Curley’s wife looked heartbroken. “I…I…I’m sorry. It was just my gut reaction. You seem as hard as a rock and I just want to make ends meet between us” she apologized. As slow as molasses, Crooks’ head leaned through the stable gates and glared deep into George’s eyes. “Well I’ll be darned. I could have sworn just a split second ago you two hated each other, but I guess every dog has its day.” Curley’s wife walked up to Crooks with the swagger of an athlete and slapped him across his black as night face. With the strength of an ox, Crooks punched Curley’s wife in the face wife repeatedly until her body was as limp as a rag doll. As Crooks ran out of the stable, George picked up the broken body, and started his long trudge back to the ranch. What would he say to Curley?

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