Monday, September 13, 2010


        It was about 2:00 pm August 29th 1942 and the smell of burning flesh was looming in the dense air. I was located in block 33, where I was exiled along with hundreds of other Jews. This was Auschwitz, the network of concentration camps built and operated in the Polish areas annexed by Nazi's and made for only for the purpose of extermination. If a prisoner was physically able to work the would be put the long brutal work days but that was not the case for most. Under order of the demon, Adolf Hitler, all not able to do work would be suffocated by cyanide based pesticide or even eaten by the steaming oven. I considered myself lucky that I was still alive, because I had seen so many others like me killed for no purpose at all. There are so many times I feel like sacrificing myself, and if I could just save one other person in here, I would have made my point. We worked like slave animals, working 12 hour days even in the gloomiest weather. I hadn't seen my parents, brother, or sister in months, and I did not even know if they were still aliove. I have been here to long, seen to much and I've had enough I thought. I had thought about trying to escape since I had gotten here, but that day was my attempt. With smooth, darting motions, I made my way for the main gate. I tackled down the only security guard at the gate, pounced back up with puma like reflexes and opened the gate. Freedom I thought, until a raining of pulsating bullets impaled my skin. There must have been half of the Jews in the camp running for the door. As I lie there, several bullets inside of me, I watched the security guards appear, and rapid fire on the escaping crowd. Then a slim man with a smirk on upon his face approached me with a calm hand, grasping a pistol. Suddenly he forced the gun upon my forehead, and without pause pulled the trigger. My desperate attempt to save a few lives, ended up causing only more mayhem. The sorrow still drifts upon the Auschwitz death camps.

1 comment:

  1. Good start, Brayden. Focus on descriptive words. Consider some similes and metaphors.
